Inside Your Mind Wiki


Winch And sir Morton are after the sorwad


Ben Tennyson






Sir Morton

Twin Knights

Aliens Used by Ben[]



Cham Alien

Triv a[]

Kai and Wes make thier B10M Debut


(Kai is walking with wes)

Wes Kai im sick of ur dumb text on my phone

Kai then delete em

Wes but if i delete em u send me more

Kai in

Enoch ugh I'm bored theres nothing to do them plumbers may have defeated me but i escaped hump what's in here

Kai y r we exploring a castle

Wes after Chadwick escaped he left some gold I want the gold

Kai but isn't that being greedy

Wes no its masterbaiting

Sir Morton hello

Wes oh shit

Sir Morgan master I got Tennyson girlfriend and her foolish grandfather

Enoch good job now bring them to the castle soon u will all taste Enoch might

(Ben and rook r looking in files)

Ben hey look it says Zs'Skyar was defeated by me twice as me then by vilgax then atomix twice and swampfire

Rook of course they update when the ep airs

Ben k

Enoch put Tennysons girlfriend there

Kai ugh let me go u fuckwits

Eonch oh no weve got a sorwad to retrieve and u r our hostages

Ben so have they put it Me kicking vilgaxs ass

{{{Series Name}}}
Season 3, Episode 43
Kais S
Air date 28 Feb 2019
Written by User:Olympianya
Directed by User:Utkar22 & User:Yuidirnt
Episode Guide
Zs'gax (Episode)
Kevins mutation

Rook idk lets see (types up vilgax) yes it does

Ben what about Dr animo add getting sacked

Rook yes

Ben I'm malware

Rook Yes

Ben payphone

Rook yes

Ben mad Ben

Rook Yes

Ben Phil

Rook Yes


Patlerday stop it you'lle break the thing

Ben party pooper oooh look ive got a text from Kai huh Enoch oh no not again

Rook lets go

Paterler day fucking idiots

(Ben and rook r in the plumber truck)

Ben we beat Enoch last week when he was targeting Jimmy cant he leave us alone

Rook well he is a knight

Ben ik

(They arrive at the area where the knights r and r blasted by the twin knights)

Ben oh man ther here common fasttrack

(Ben turns into xlr8)

Xlr8 meh this will do (zooms around the knights and wacks em)

Xlr8 huh


Xlr8 huh

Ben Enoch

Enoch Give up or il destroy ur delivered girlfriend u shoundnt of come here Tennyson it was a grave mistake the last I'll ever make

Ben Enoch this is madness

Enoch no its victory

Be n just stop it

Kai Ben

Ben wot

Kai I went u flowers

Enoch oh how nice now Enoch with the bs

Ben what do u want Enoch

Enoch of nothing really just the sorwad that that foolish Chadwick Reyes to pull out i will rule the universe with it and no one will stop me

Ben no one expect (turns into Swampthrick and trows fireballs at Enoch)

Enoch ugh foolish boy (gets his sorwad out and slash swampthrick)

Swampthrick Rook save Kai and the guy who looks like he's off grumpy men

Rook yes


Swampthrick Enoch Give up

Enoch NEVER (Wacks him he turns back)

Rook u r free

Swampthrick so who wants a bbq

(They have one)

Ben so Enoch is here for exclibar

Wes yes and if he gets it he could rule the world

Ben then we'll have to stop him

Rook agreed


Enoch the sorwad close I can feel it

Wes its time to go

Ben agreed

(Enoch opens the chamber)

Enoch yes the sorwad there with unlimited power I will RULE THE UNIVERSE

Sir Morton so now what

Enoch (pulls the sorwad out) YES I AM THE NEW FOREVER KING

Ben not by a long shot

Enoch TENNYSON I knew you'dde come knights get the fools ive got a world to say

Ben il handle Enoch common Humungarsar

(Ben turns into Cham Alien)

Chan Alien Chan Alien

Enoch ugh Tennyson im sick of u

(Chan Alien Punchs him but Enoch shoots him with the sorwad)

Enoch Pathetic

Chan Alien il show u Pathetic m8

(Chan Alien goes incurable and wacks Enoch out of the castle)

Enoch no

Chan Alien ur not keeping that sorwad

Rook sir Morton this is bs

Sir Morton il tell u what's bs or not

Chan Alien hey Enoch take this (Wacks Enoch into the water the sorwad returns to the castle)

Kai the sorwad (Grabs it)

Sir Morton no thats for our Master ENOCH (Runs up but Kai wacks him)

Kai this sorwad is awesome

Chan Alien Enoch took a dip

Rook what happend

Chan Alien Lets just say I defeated him

Rook k

(Ben and rook leave london)

Enoch (comes up under the water) U HAVE NOT DEFEATED ME TENNYSON U WILL PAY

The End
